Thursday, September 15, 2016

Gary Johnson the Unfamiliar Candidate 

Everybody’s heard of Trump and Clinton but there is another candidate that everyone needs to consider, Gary Johnson the third party candidate for the libertarian party.
With the Election coming down to its final months, people need to know that there are more candidates then Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. When considering who to vote for, many people say they want to vote for the lesser of two evils, but why do that when you have another option? If you are questioning the ethics of either Trump or Clinton then you are not alone.

Johnson believes that you need to “vote for who you believe in, that’s how you’re gonna change things” . Unlike Trump and Clinton Johnson doesn’t come straight out and say “vote for me” but instead encourages everyone to take a political quiz to see what candidate they agree with the most, because it is important to find someone you believe in and vote for them. Johnson himself took this quiz and besides just agreeing with all of his ideas the next candidate he sides with is Bernie Sanders.

Bernie Sanders is a name we are all familiar with and for many of us he was the man we wanted to become the next president. Now that he is out of the race Bernie supporters should not be forced to choose between Trump and Clinton but instead look into Johnson and his political ideas.

We need to be the change who learns more about him and his beliefs. Johnson talks about many important issues like supporting our vets, incentive job growth, the threat to civil liberties needing to be stop, the environment needing protection, the importance of education, knowing immigration can’t be stopped by building a wall, giving all individuals the choice to have an abortion and many more important issues. Many of these being issues that Sanders was also supportive of.

With 10% in the polls while still rising, and being one of the only third party candidates to be on the balled in all 50 states Johnson is a very serious candidate to consider. Many people don’t ever consider a third party candidate because they don’t know much about them. Trump and Clinton are all over the news having many political debates but Johnson is less heard of them and that needs to change. Any Sanders supporter should learn more about Johnson so they can place their vote with someone who they believe in, not the lesser of two evils. 


  1. I never heard of Johnson being another candidate along with Clinton and Trump. But now reading about it, I can completely agree with Johnson. The way he seems while reading is more encouragement and doing more than saying it like Clinton and Trump do.

  2. A vote for Gary Johnson (or Jill Stein, Darrell Castle, Larry Lessig, or any other third-party candidate) is the same as a vote against Clinton. Same as all votes for Ralph Nader kept Al Gore from becoming President.

  3. I agree, Carl. While I understand the thought process behind voting for the candidate whom your values align with the best, lets be honest here - the third party candidate is most likely NOT going to be elected. So yes, it's just taking a vote away from Hillary. And we really just can't let it be Trump. At least that's my agenda.

  4. Black Snow,

    You're right about most people knowing little to nothing about third party candidates. The media focuses on the democratic and republican candidates because, when it comes down to it, those are the candidates that stand a chance at winning the presidential race. It's not particularly fair and it means that sometimes the best person for the job is overlooked but the reality is that a third party candidate will not win the presidential election.

    Voting for a third party candidate makes a statement but does nothing to change things. A third party candidate will not be elected and, as Carl stated, voting for a third party simply means that you are robbing votes that could potentially help Hilary win.

    Many people like to compare this upcoming election to the 2000 presidential election and for good reason. In 2000, third party candidate Nader received many votes that helped Bush win the presidential election. Democrats who refused to vote for Al Gore voted third party and the result was that Bush won.

    People need to come to terms with the fact that, for better or worse, this country will either have Hilary as our next president or Trump. It is for this reason that they need to do their research to see which candidate aligns closely with their personal beliefs on abortion, immigration, and women's rights among other things.

    1. "Democrats who refused to vote for Al Gore voted third party and the result was that electoral skulduggery by a state government controlled by the brother of his opponent confused the issue long enough that the Supreme Court voted along party lines to award the Presidency to Bush"

