Thursday, November 3, 2016

Get Out and VOTE!

Is anyone else sweating yet? There are 5 full days left to Election Day, people. 5. As happy as I am to see this process coming to an end, the numbers this week are doing nothing but creating panic inside my head.

It’s probably already clear from previous posts that I’m With Nasty. In my opinion, a Donald Trump presidency has always been a nightmarish and relatively unlikely scenario. But, oh what a rollercoaster this election process has been! I started off thinking there’s no way that man will be taken seriously to oh, wow that man is being taken seriously to oh shit he might win the election, back to nope, he’s done, time’s up Trump, and suddenly back to oh shit Trump might have this.

My inner peace cannot take this anymore.

The numbers posted from Nov. 1st by aren’t reassuring me. While they don’t hand it to Trump, the numbers don’t lie. He’s gaining speed and momentum, surely no thanks to Comey. If by any chance you’re unaware of the stunt FBI Director James Comey pulled last week, you should get informed. 

So, here’s my resolve. I could sit here and curl up in a ball, rocking back and forth until Election Day or I could make it my job to tell you to GET OUT AND VOTE. Neither candidate is safe right now, and your Vote. Does. Count.

Let’s also hope that come November 8th, we can finally put this all to bed…hopefully without nightmares. And then we can move on to more important issues, like looking forward to turkey and pumpkin pie.


  1. I'm with you on all of those thought! When the election first started and I saw Trump running I laughed and during the first debates I thought it was hilarious that he thought he had a chance, but now same with you i'm thinking "oh shit, he could win" and its terrifying to think that this man who has no filter whatsoever could become our next president. I WILL be voting and I hope everyone else is too.

  2. Is there any information that might come from the laptop that would cause you to decide to vote against Hillary?

    1. I really don't think so. It would have to be really really bad information. And too late, I voted!

    2. What would you consider "really really bad"?

      The Clinton Foundation engaging in Haitian sex trafficking? Underage sexual misconduct? Lesbian videos? Orders to murder whistleblowers? Proof that "donations" to the Clinton Foundation were payoffs for State Department actions?

      These are the rumors swirling around the fringe web sites...

  3. I really like how casual this post is. It definitely gets the important points out but in an informal way to appeal to how us readers must feel like in this upcoming election. You do a good job with connecting to the audience by referencing phrases and vocabulary the common person can relate to. You describe in detail how much stress this election has put on you, and most people could definitely agree.
