Friday, November 11, 2016

Holding Trump accountable

So here we are. Donald J. Trump has been elected the 45th president of the United States. Although the implications of Trump’s presidency are still largely unknown, Trump has outlined what he plans to do in his first 100 days as president.

While we could go on and on about each of his proposed ideas. I’d like to focus in on his plan to impose a hiring freeze on many federal jobs as means to cause “attrition.”

In an economy that has just recovered from a  financial crisis, it would seem to be a little unwise to impose something that would hinder job growth.

But at what cost?

Trump’s proposed freeze will severely impact a lot of these workers’ potential job opportunities.

His plan doesn’t even have an estimated end date. That’s a little worrying considering it’s one of the first things he hopes to enact in his first couple of weeks in office.

On top of this, as noted by Dan Blair, president, and CEO of the National Academy for Public Administration, in an article published by Goverment Executive, Trump’s policy is missing some important details that must get addressed.

Like what to do when someone gets fired or leaves.  

We should expect more from the next leader of the free world. Yet it’s not at all surprising when you consider Trump’s past.

Who can forget when he called out Bill Gates and asked him to ask him in helping “ closing that internet up in some ways.”

This type of request is obviously very misguided and speaks to Trump’s profound misunderstanding of the internet.

Would it be a huge stretch to say his proposed freeze on federal jobs is also very misguided?

The man has no political experience, which is scary considering he’ll be calling the shots from the Oval Office come January.

We as a people need to recognize the type of president Trump will be and urge him to be really learn about the issues and propose comprehensive, well thought out legislation.     

We can’t settle for half-baked laws.





  1. "Trump’s policy is missing some important details that must get addressed... Like what to do when someone gets fired or leaves."

    Oh, come on. If there's one thing Trump knows what to do, it's how to fire people.

  2. "Trump’s profound misunderstanding of the internet"
    Why are you upset that he's asking an expert for advice? If you're not scared by last month's DDOS "internet of things" attack, you should be.

    "Would it be a huge stretch to say his proposed freeze on federal jobs is also very misguided?"
    Yes, it would. The biggest part of the federal budget is income transfer payments (either entitlements to people, or contracts with corporations.) The next would be payroll.

    "We as a people need to recognize the type of president Trump will be and urge him to be really learn about the issues and propose comprehensive, well thought out legislation."
    I think you've got an extra "be" in there.

    I'm sure lots of people already recognize the type of president Trump will be. That's why they voted for him.

    Do you agree that his asking Bill Gates for advice is an attempt to really learn about the issues? How about asking several times during a briefing about what the guidelines are for use of nuclear weapons?

    "The man has no political experience, which is scary considering he’ll be calling the shots from the Oval Office come January."
    I think you overestimate what can be done from the Oval Office.
